As I say in Chapter 13
of my writer’s guide “HOW TO BE THE BEST WRITER EVER!”, “Promotional writing
(Public Relations work) can be fun, provide additional income and if you write
it well, you may get a by-line.”
I tell readers of my writer’s guide that included in the many pastures for promotional writing is
the large number of restaurants that want short pieces submitted to the local
press, to attract customers to their eateries.
I recently had an email
out of the blue from someone I don’t know saying: “Are you the daughter of the
owners of the much missed Le Shack? If
so, I spoke with you back in 2015. Before I go any further I just want to make
sure I have the correct person.”
I am not the person he
was referring to, but he might have seen my 1992 article about Le Shack that
was published in some of our local newspapers. I used to submit different
versions to the local press – for The Punch I would write something short and
“punchy”; The Tribune I’d send a version of the article aimed at their
“Youth Beat” page; and the other newspapers would receive basically the same
article as each other.
I dug out a copy of my “Le
Shack” article that was published in the Punch and emailed it to the enquirer.
I also told him I wasn’t the daughter of the previous owners, but wished him
luck in locating them. Unfortunately, I couldn’t help him. I don’t know where
they are now.
“Le Shack” is now called
“Green Parrot”, located on East Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas, and is just as popular!
WRITER EVER” is an informal guide and source of inspiration for new and not so
new writers worldwide. Always wanted to write a book? Or are you a writer whose
career is going nowhere? This uplifting writer’s guide outlines the craft and
how to become the best writer ever in fifteen straightforward and easy to
understand chapters.