
Monday, January 14, 2019


During The Kiwanis Club of New Providence Children’s Book Donation Drive outside Logos Book Store, Harbour Bay Shopping Centre, Nassau, recently, I bought a copy of “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” from Logos and dropped it into their donation box. I told the Kiwanis ladies how my mother sent me to elocution lessons when we moved from Scotland to England because my Scottish accent had become mixed up with a Birmingham accent and it was difficult to understand what I said! I can’t remember how old I was, but I was younger than ten. I had to memorize pages of “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” in order to recite them during my elocution lessons!

The Club’s Vice President Dominique Rolle was delighted with my little Alice in Wonderland tale and asked if I could give a video interview about it. I agreed and here it is! - FAY'S VIDEO INTERVIEW AT KIWANIS BOOK DONATION DRIVE

The Kiwanis Club of New Providence is a non-profit organization that is a part of Kiwanis International. They are a service club that gives back to the community through service projects – a wonderful group of very dedicated and hard working ladies!

For further information check them out on Facebook at:-

P.S. Other videos (including my husband Erskine and son Gavin jamming at the old “Crazy Johnny’s nightclub!”) are also on my YouTube Channel at:-

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